Camden Schools Foundation 2023 Scholarship Program
The Camden Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to supporting the students and schools in Camden, NJ. The Foundation seeks to engage the wider community – individuals and companies – to ensure that Camden students receive the quality education they deserve.
The Camden Schools Foundation has awarded more than $1.5M in scholarships to Camden City students over the past 17 years. This year our goal is to provide thirty $2,500.00 scholarships to eligible students thanks to the generous donations from our Sponsors and Friends.
Open to only Camden City Residents who presently attend Traditional High school, Magnet High school, Charter High schools, and Technical High school and will graduate in June 2023.
Must plan to continue their education by attending College, Trade school or Training program.
A student may enter only one application.
1. The completed and signed application must be submitted with:
- An official high school transcript.
- Proof of address
- A written reference from your high school guidance counselor, administrator or teacher
2. Return the application and supporting material to the camdenschoolsfoundation@
Applications will be evaluated based on five categories: (1) academic performance; (2) teacher recommendation; (3) extra-curricular activities; (4) community service activities; and (5) application questionnaire.
Application and all supporting credentials must be returned to Camden Schools Foundation no later than Friday, April 30, 2023.