(Camden, NJ) –
Angel Velez, a 2019 recipient of the Camden Schools Foundation’s annual scholarship, returned to tell us about his undergraduate career, his goals, and how he put his scholarship money into use. Angel graduated from Camden Big Picture Learning Academy in 2019 and received the Camden Schools Foundation’s annual scholarship at our Golf Outing that year.

Angel is currently enrolled at Rutgers University-Newark. He’s majoring in Public and Nonprofit Administration with a minor in Social Justice, and he has expressed his love and admiration for his campus, “So far, my experience at college has been the best of my life. Attending the most diverse university in the United States has been such a grounding experience for me when interacting with so many different cultures and ethnic groups.”
On top of keeping up with his schoolwork, Angel has involved himself pretty heavily on campus. He filled us in on some of his accomplishments while being a student and organizations he has joined, “I am involved with the Latino organization here at Rutgers called Latinos United Networking America (LUNA) and I am also on the Marketing Committee for Rutgers Business School’s Marketing and Management Society. I am also an ambassador for the School of Public Affairs and Administration here at RU-N.”

With his $2,500 scholarship, Angel was able to cover textbook fees and extra costs that financial aid did not account for. He also used some of his funds to pay for a speed reading and study skills class that he will still have access to even after graduating. While discussing the class, Angel expressed his gratitude about the help it provided him. He passed on these new skills he learned from the class to other students in his work-study assignment because he found it to be interesting and extremely helpful.
Camden Schools Foundation is dedicated to supporting the students and schools of Camden, NJ. To make a donation and support students like Angel, visit https://www.camdenschoolsfoundation.org/donate/.