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Remembering Dennis Kelleher

(Camden, NJ) – September 19, 2021

It is with great sadness that the Camden Schools Foundation announces the passing of our Treasurer, Dennis Kelleher, of Haddonfield, NJ. Dennis served on the Camden Schools Foundation Board since its founding in 2005. His life was dedicated to the service of the causes he believed in and we were fortunate that he gave his time and expertise to support the students of Camden.

“Dennis will truly be missed. Dennis was a special person. We were fortunate to have known him” said fellow Board Member, Susan Dunbar-Bey.

Longtime volunteer, Carmen Stokes said “I am heart broken with the news of Dennis’ passing. He was a great human being.  He was present in each conversation we had over the past 16 years. He made everyone feel valued and appreciated. I will truly miss his big heart and gentle spirit.”

Harvey C. Johnson, Founder of the Camden Schools Foundation thanked the Board for all the kind words and condolences. “Dennis was a member of the Foundation from the beginning and provided us both spiritual and financial guidance. We could always depend on him and his family. He will be greatly missed.”

Dennis will be honored for his service to the Foundation by becoming a Trustee Emeritus. You can read Dennis’ full obituary here.