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2025 Scholarship Application

CSF will award 30 scholarships to seniors who are eligible and demonstrate intent to further their education. All applications will be judged by an independent committee and their decision will be final.

Who Should Apply: Open to only Camden City Residents who presently attend Traditional High School, Magnet High School, Charter High Schools, and Technical High School and will graduate in June 2025.

Must plan to continue education by attending College, Trade school or Training program.

If you are eligible and would like to apply, please click here or the button above to access the application.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at


FYI – Here is another link for additional scholarship opportunities:

20th Annual Scholarship Program

Date TBD

At last year's 19th Annual Scholarship Awards, 32 students were awarded with scholarships!

Every year, the Camden Schools Foundation awards 30 high school seniors with scholarships to help them pay for the necessities needed for college.

2021 Camden Schools Foundation Scholarship Event was a success! We received press coverage from 6ABC, linked below.

Click here to view a full list of 2021 Scholarship recipients. View footage from the 2020 Scholarship event here.


Camden Schools Foundation in Partnership program with Symphony In C. Supports the social, emotional, and educational growth of the young. The partnership will provide a sequential, quality instruction that includes “Music Together” a research program for kindergarten students. 

The music program begins instrumental lessons and music theory classes for students beginning in the third grade with Octavius Catto School in Camden.

Success Stories

Below are three of the Camden Schools Foundation scholarship recipients from over the past few years.

Joshua Sims

Maia Cone

Brandon Ramos

Joshua Sims is a 2017 CSF Scholarship recipient and a graduate from Creative Arts Morgan Village Academy. He went on to attend Cornell University and major in Industrial Labor Relations, with his next stop being law school at NYU.

Maia Cone is a 2019 CSF Scholarship recipient. She is currently attending Xavier University in Louisiana, and is set to graduate in 2023.

Brandon Ramos is a 2017 CSF Scholarship recipient and a graduate from Creative Arts Morgan Village Academy. He attended Whittier College in California and majored in Biology. He plans to continue his career by attending dental school.

In 2021, we awarded 30 more scholarships to students in Camden. Click here to see the list of our 2021 CSF Scholarship recipients, and our event coverage on 6ABC Action News.

CEF stands in solidarity with the Black community.

Read our statement here